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Video Library

A growing list of videos from the VCEDC team.

/ Videos

Amanda Cowart - Lemon Zest

Amanda found her paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Brad and Rubie Gauthier of

Brad and Rubie found paradise in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.


Bre & Joel - Aqualand Alehouse

Bre & Joel found their paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Carol Marshall of Texas Children's Hospital

Carol found paradise in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.


Christie Terkelson and Joe Reed of Northfork Fin & Filet

Christie & Joe found their paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Conover Backyard Feed Store

Take a minute to meet our fabulous Vilas County business owners in our new VCEDC Business Minute series!


Dan Beihoff - Eagle River Roasters

Dan Beihoff found his paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Diane Gagliano of Top of the Hill Huskies

Diane found her paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Dr Doug Tansor - Up North Wellness Center

Dr. Doug found his paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Drew Frisk of Arbre Technologies

Drew and Kate found paradise in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.


Emily & Adam Krauklis - Sportsman's Motel & Resort

Emily & Adam found their paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Eric and Becky of Old World Charm B&B

Eric and Becky found their paradise in Vilas County.


Financial Resources for Your Current or New Business

Vilas County Economic Development Corporation Lunch and Learn: Financial Resources for Your Current or New Business


Grow Your Business with Online Sales

Vilas County Economic Development Corporation Lunch and Learn: Grow Your Business with Online Sales


Haley and Dylan of Boulder Junction Coffee Company

Haley & Dylan found their paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Helen Bryner of Cre'ate

Helen found her paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Jo Buck - Eagle Baking

Jo found her paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Junea Rocha

Speaker: Junea Rocha, Frozen Foods/Brazi Bites Co-Founder. ABC’s Shark Tank entrepreneur. Forbes contributor


Kayla and Keith Anderson - Iconik Etchings and Innovations

Kayla and Keith Anderson found their paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Land O'Lakes Artisans (LOLA)

Take a minute to meet our fabulous Vilas County business owners in our new VCEDC Business Minute series!


Luke Olejniczak - Private Chef

Luke found his paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Marsha McVicker

Speaker: Marsha McVicker, Founder/CEO of LYLA (formerly Errand Solutions)


Northland Pines

Take a minute to meet our fabulous Vilas County business owners in our new VCEDC Business Minute series!


Re-writing the Rural Narrative:The Brain Gain of Rural America - Vilas County EDC & Ben Winchester

Featured Speaker: Ben Winchester, Senior Research Fellow at the U of MN Extension, Center for Community Vitality & Nationally-recognized expert featured on PBS and in the NY Times.


Rebecca Nelsen of The Northwoods Review

Rebecca found paradise in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.


Remote Working - Thriving in the Evolving Workplace!

Vilas County Economic Development Corporation Lunch and Learn: Remote Working - Thriving in the Evolving Workplace!


Rick Wilson - Pukall Lumber Company

Rick Wilson found his paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Robin and Patrick Indermuehle - Conover Gardens

Robin and Patrick Indermuehle found their paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Ryli and Josh

Ryli and Josh found their paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Sarah and Tom Zidek of Hooked & Tagged and Northern Joy

Sarah & Tom found their paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Steven Bartling - Bartlings Manitowish Cranberry Co

Steven found his paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


Tasha Sookochoff - Wander Wild Farm

Tasha found her paradise in Vilas County.

Interested in starting or growing a business in Northern Wisconsin? Watch our series of videos with real entrepreneurs, remote workers and business owners.


VCEDC Lunch and Learn: Start or Grow Your Business

Business planning, financial resources, marketing, websites, hiring and managing staff, contracts? We're here to help!


VCEDC Remote Worker Meet Up - Broadband

VCEDC Remote Worker Meet-Up - The State of Broadband in Vilas County

Featured Speaker: Bill Niemuth


Wendy Baumann

Speaker: Wendy K. Baumann, President/Chief Visionary Officer - Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC)


Want to learn why Vilas County is one of the best places to live, work, and play?

Reach out to the folks at the Vilas County Economic Development Corporation today!

Contact Us

Want to learn why Vilas County is one of the best places to live, work, and play?

We can email you a PDF highlighting many of the wonderful aspects of our area.

Download this 8-page PDF article here: